onsdag, november 05, 2008




Står det överst i dokumentet jag läser. Det är ett avklassifierade planer som rör ett projekt inom flygvapnet; att utveckla/forska fram cirkulära flygplan. Många intressanta saker tar de upp - Men de bygger på att luft får blåsas genom farkosten och ned mot marken, därigenom bjuda på höjd över marken.
Det bjuder ändå på tankar om vidare forskning, det där var trots allt 1955. Redan då fanns alltså planer på dylika farkoster, vad händer om de lyckades? Är det vad folk sett isåfall? Har bondlurkar blivit bortrövade av armén till försöks-kaniner? För att sedan kunna beskylla utomjordlingar.


lördag, november 01, 2008

The Shadow - w.44 d.? (dream)

I'm sitting down in a sofa, behind the sofa is a 3-split window: one large piece of glass in the bottom, then the rest is divide in two parts. I don't want to draw a picture so I really hope you get it.

As I'm sitting, more like laying, in the sofa I hear some shatter from outside. "Bad timing", I think, "But they'll soon pass." Unfortunately they do not pass, but the shatter gets more intense. I cannot rest or relax and then I hear how someone is forcing the glass in the lower part of the window (the frame with one long piece of glass). I feel very tense, almost anxious. The sound from the window is getting even more intense, I hear scratches and more force towards the poor pieces of glass. By now I've had enough so I raise myself, now very annoyed, to have a look:
Outside is a group/swarm of youngsters facing the window, facing me, all eyes following me. A great feeling of unease is unavoidable and in this moment the glass gives in and breaks.
Greedy hands reaching in, trying to fetch furniture, decorations anything... trying to grab a hold of me. It's like a zombie move; when the family have barricaded themselves at home and the swarm of zombies get one board lose - when all them hands are thrusted through that little hole in the building, trying to get in... trying to get human flesh and blood. With pieces of broken glass and just anything solid I fend of all the gretchy little hands. A feeling of success mixed with tension as the flock of horrible kids split up. But they aren't splitting up I see, they're making place for someone. I look further in the crowd, where the trail is leading me. There's the shadow-figure, even though it has no eyes I feel it's gaze straight into my soul. I hurry to close the curtains and suddenly I'm in my bed - awake. I'm not too sure it's not a dream anymore so I open the curtains a little, nothing there except the scenery outside my window, I take another look - and there it is again. I close the curtains in hopes it did not spot me. Right after that I hear the glass shatter and from under the curtain this shadowy-figure is crawling through the window onto my bed. I cannot move - but I try to get out, however any attempt is useless.
